Meet the Human Recharging Station
The BioCharger NG provides a touch-free, safe, meditative, rejuvenating full body treatment; proven to restore strength, stamina, coordination, and mental clarity. We have helped our clients experience increased energy levels, reduced pain and fatigue, and an enhanced sense of well-being.
BioCharger NG is 100% natural. It uses a full spectrum of light and harmonic frequencies to deliver restorative energy that helps align the body and mind. There are no drugs, pills, or products to ingest. Just sitting in front of the BioCharger for 30 minutes will leave you feeling recharged and renewed.
For those who suffer from chronic, frequent, or recurring physical or emotional discomfort, the BioCharger NG reenergizes weakened cells and revitalizes the body’s natural magnetic energy, to align the mind and body, which helps to restore health and wellness.
As we get older, we accumulate aches and pains that make it tougher to face each day with the energy and stamina we had when we were younger. Using the BioCharger NG for just 5-15 minutes per session helps to revitalize your body and makes life easier to tackle.
Whether you’re recovering from a hard workout, an injury, stress, or the bumps and bruises of everyday life, the BioCharger NG platform will allow you a quicker bounce-back.
Energy is a key ingredient to giving 100% on a daily basis. BioCharger NG will revitalize your body to perform at peak levels and have you bouncing out of bed.
A key component of good physical health and injury prevention is flexibility. Yoga, stretching, and other exercises all contribute to increased flexibility. The BioCharger NG bathes you with subtle energies that can stimulate, and invigorate, the entire body and mind.
When your body and mind feel rested, aligned, and ready to go, your well-being adds to your overall happiness. The BioCharger NG will give you the positive energy you need to face each day with a smile.
Every cell in the body has a measurable difference in electrical voltage across the outer cell membrane. This voltage is called the trans-membrane potential and it powers proper cell function, regulating the intake of nutrients and elimination of wastes from the cell.
Nobel prize winner Otto Von Warburg confirmed that normal, healthy cells have trans-membrane potentials of approximately 70 to 100 millivolts, while fatigued, impaired, and sick cells exhibit progressively lower voltages, which drop to as low as 15 millivolts in cancerous, diseased cells.
The BioCharger platform generates a rich electromagnetic energy field that bathes the whole body simultaneously, from head to toe – brain matter to bone marrow. This field replicates a full spectrum of natural frequencies that exist in the terrestrial atmosphere all around us, all the time. Each molecule, cell, or organ of the body has a unique electromagnetic frequency and signature, so if a cell or organ is imbalanced, its normal frequency is slightly altered and detuned.
By broadcasting a rich EM field that inherently includes each cell’s normal healthy frequencies, the BioCharger re-introduces the optimum energy blueprint and its optimal resonate frequency, stimulating natural correction.
The BioCharger NG produces a customizable sweep of digitally pulsed electromagnetic fields that bathes the whole body in a rich field of bio-compatible frequencies, and generating bio-photonic light via plasma gas spectrum tubes. The human body has the natural ability to receive subtle energies.
Recent scientific investigations confirm the existence of a subtle energy field around all living organisms, similar to the thermal field recorded using infrared imaging technology.
This energy consists of natural neuro-electrical frequencies that the body produces or absorbs to facilitate optimum health and functions. Eastern traditions refer to this energy as life-force, chi/qi, or prana, and view illness or sub-optimal biological function as a lack of and/or imbalance in this energy.
Subtle energy significantly contributes to ideal cell functioning.
Consequently, a deficiency of subtle energies can lead to a health crisis in the body. When a lack or imbalance of this energy is experienced, cell and systemic dysfunction begins to occur, resulting in sub-optimal performance (physical, mental, or emotional), and slowed recovery from injury.
Magnetic, luminous, and electric pulses such as those from the BioCharger NG provide a “jump-start” or reminder to dysfunctional biological systems suffering energy blockages or impedance.
The BioCharger NG, as an exogenous source of energetic fields, stimulates proper signal flow and system function.